Saturday, June 5, 2010

Gettin' 'er Done III

Last night while resting and knitting in the recliner I was struck with a sudden and excruciating pain in the hips; and ascertained that it must be the bone pain that I was told was a side effect of the nupagen injections.  I took a powerful pain pill.  That only took the edge off so that I was able to get to sleep!

Ann picked me up this morning to take me to SCCA for labs and clinic evaluation.  When I told the doctor and nurse about the pain, the biggest grins I've seen in a long time broke across their faces!  They said that the pain was a good sign that the stem cells themselves have shown up!  So back to the lab for another blood test to confirm.  The target number for stem cells is 10.  At about 1:00 p.m., Geoffrey answered a call from the nurse at SCCA who I saw this morning.  She said that my number resulting from the test was 43!!  So tomorrow, I'm scheduled to go to SCCA at 8:00 a.m. to begin the stem cell harvest!  Geoffrey is charging his camera as I write, to take pictures so that we can share this long awaited milestone with you.  More later, and probably via Geoffrey's prose.

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