Pictures speak 1000 words. We have about 6000+ words to share with you.

Janell was hooked up to an Apherisis machine used to extract her stem cells from her blood stream. She is pointing to the tube that is filtering out the stem cells.

Janell had many tubes hooked up to her Hickmann Catheter and the Apherisis machine. The machine extracted about a cup of blood outside her body at any one time, extracted the stem cells and returned the blood back into Janell's body. The picture on the right shows the first set of stem cells being funneled into the collection bag.
The process normally takes about four to six hours. Remember Janell's severe hip pain? That was an indication of her strong response to the growth hormones to stimulate the production of the stem cells. Because of her high production, the process only took three hours.

The picture on the right shows Janell, a remarkable and beautiful woman during the process. The book she is hold is The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. This woman is responsible for the cancer treatment drugs benefiting the people around the world.
Thank you for your cards and your prayers. Please continue to pray as we move into the next phases of this journey. Our prays are for your continued health and wholeness in body, spirit and relationships
Woot! Woot! We're on our way!